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IKEA is a lot of students' go-to brand when they think about self-assembling furniture. Also, when students start to live off-campus, IKEA is always one of their top choices. However, do IKEA really understand college students' needs? We want to find out!

Survey Development: Used existing literatures and created questions based on Marketing Scales                                             Handbook (Bruner 1992, 1996, 1998, 2005, 2012, 2013)


Reliability Analysis: To test multiple-item predictors and see if any questions should be eliminated


Frequency Analysis: To find out what do college students care about most


Correlation Analysis: To identify what determines students purchase preferences 

Business Goal

Find out what students care about the most when they make purchase decisions on self-assembling furniture.

Based on the research, out team provided IKEA with 10 recommendations on marketing communications

My Role

Together with my teammates, I read existing articles to see what drive consumers to buy furniture and developed the survey. We tested the survey on one student and made some small changes. Using SPSS, I conducted reliability analysis, frequency analysis, and correlation analysis. We also discussed to propose 10 reccomendations for IKEA based on our research.


Miriam McPhine and Yin Lin


These 10 factors are what students consider the most when they make purchase on self-assembling furniture.



Consumer insight

regarding shopping 

 Emphasize quality of IKEA furniture in advertisements 

 Shorten email response time from the Customer Service Contact Center 

 Maintain cleanliness of IKEA store interiors 

 Collaborate with colleges, to have more students order basic IKEA furniture through the school for discounts 

 Play short video emphasizing products’ benefits in-store 

 Create a review section on product pages 

Consumer Shopping 


 Include more targeted information in IKEA’s advertisements - include specific information on where consumers can go to buy furniture and the affordable price 

 Develop a mobile phone app with store map showing product locations




 Emphasize the process of assembling furniture in their advertisements 

 Embed assembly videos on the product pages to improve consumer’s satisfaction with self-assembling furniture 

Self-assembling furniture shopping experiences 

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